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Europe, out of the Walled City

Pangaltı, Saint Nikolay Russian Hospital and Church

Pangaltı, Saint Nikolay Russian Hospital and Church
Photo date: 1906
Photographed by: Sebah Joaillier
Source: Sedat Tokay Archive

Pangaltı, Saint Nikolay Russian Hospital, and Church

In 1875, a hospital opened in İstanbul with the efforts of Russian ambassador Nikolay Pavlovich. In addition to the hospital, a church and a school were established in a large garden. This hospital, which were favored especially by Greek, Serbian, Montenegrin and Armenian patients, served as one of the most important centers of Pan Slavic ideas spreading in Balkanian Peninsula, Christian missionary activities and propaganda in favor of Russia. The establishment of the hospital and its activities were examined using first hand resources in the light of hospital records and Ottoman archive documents related to that period.

Ref.: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/465257